
To mark the centenary of the company Igino Mazzola, the Ministry of Economic Development and the Italian Post Office have accepted the application to issue a commemorative stamp dedicated to our firm, as a symbol of Italian-made products, and we are honored by this privilege.
Summarizing this century of activity of our company means retracing the history of our country, the events of Italian industry, the war and the ensuing difficulties, but also he rebirth, the desire to make progress and to grow, to look towards the future in a changed world that was full of challenges.
In 1918, Igino Mazzola founded his firm, specialized in the foreign trade of fish and colonial products, in Genoa.
In 1938, he purchased a sardine and oily fish factory and founded his fleet of fishing vessels in Marano Lagunare, in the province of Udine.
The range of products at the sardine factory was subsequently expanded to include eel, mackerel and tuna.
In 1958, the Maruzzella brand was the first in Italy to be produced in the 100 g single-portion format and this resulted in a major change in how canned tuna was consumed, despite the initial skepticism of industry operators. During the same period, the company acquired a further plant at Loano, in Liguria (the well-established Compagnia Italiana Pisonis, with its brands), in order to enhance its canned tuna production.
Igino Mazzola currently distributes its selection of high-quality products on EU and non-EU markets, with over 60 million cans sold in the year. The choices our company makes are based on a tradition that has been passed down through a hundred years of presence on the market, a passion for the family business and a focus on the consumer’s needs, with a watchful eye always looking firmly towards the future.

Igino Ugo Mazzola

Two special acknowledgments: To Ms. Carla Amadei of the philately section of the Italian Post Office in Genoa and to our own William Merola, whose idea it was to submit our company’s candidacy for the ordinary stamp issue “Renowned products of industry and commerce” To Prof. Angelo di Stasi, President of the Commission for the examination and creation of postage stamps. The Ministry of Economic Development for approving our candidacy and making issue of the stamp possible.